Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Christmas 2009

Zach had no problem sitting on Santa's lap once he saw the others getting suckers!
What would Christmas be without a visit to Gardner Village!
~Zach's Stocking~

~Austin's Stocking~

~Livy's Stocking~

~Ellie's Stocking~
(Look at that excitement!)

"Santa's Scraps"

"Bath robes"

Give the boy an orange... forget the presents!

The greed fest begins!

Getting Christmas breakfast ready.

A couple days after Christmas, Zach used the fireplace to help him stand up.


  1. Ouch little Zachy!!! Can't wait to see him in less than a week now~ blister or not! See you guys very soon!!!! Gent

  2. Oh, and by the way boy, love the Tori Amos. I wonder at times if You or Tara or the family would have any music likes or identities if it were not for me bringing stuff home? Am I off base or on? =) Love the good music that seems to get older every day! The youth in our ward don't even know of so much, if any of the great stuff that once was, it makes me feel old. =)

  3. Gent...you are off base. Your music is nice and all, but the best music plays at our house and in our cars...country baby. Hee, hee.

  4. Just teaching Grams to make posts. Grams and Gent
